

Warhammer Fest 2023 Is the First Place You Can Play the New Edition of Warhammer 40,000

In just under a month, the doors will be opening on Warhammer Fest, the biggest official Warhammer event in the world. This three-day celebration of all things Warhammer kicks off on Saturday the 29th of April at the 10,000-capacity Manchester Central venue. There’s a ton of stuff going on – and it’ll also be the first place you can get to grips with the new edition of Warhammer 40,000.

WHFestUpdate Apr03 Poster

There will be demo games run throughout to teach you first-hand about all the exciting changes coming in the new edition. And that isn’t all – you’ll get to see all the new miniatures available in the massive new launch box in person.

A showcase of the new Warhammer 40,000 is just one of the many things you can look forward to at Warhammer Fest. We’ll also be revealing a ton of incredibly cool stuff for most of our other game systems on the day.








Cursed City Scenario – Take On All of Ulfenkarn With One Immeasurably Mighty Hero

The Cursed City of Ulfenkarn is a dangerous place, dangerous enough to put an entire party of heroes through their paces as they meet wave after wave of the unquiet dead in the desperate quest to depose the Vyrkos vampires.

CC 1ManArmy Apr04 Art

The original boxed game pitches eight heroes against a swarm of undead gribblies  who lay wicked claim to the mortal souls who call the city home.

But what if the city had had just a single champion, one renowned across the realms for their unquestionable might? Could a mighty enough hero have taken on the forces of Radukar alone.

This free scenario – entitled One Man Army – aims to answer these burning questions, with a trio of the mightiest heroes in all the Mortal Realms who must fight alone to rid the streets of the Soulblight Curse.

CC 1ManArmy Apr04 Minis

Choose from Gotrek GurnissonThe Light of Eltharion, or Gardus Steel Soul and lay waste to your foes. This download is designed for one-off journeys into the dark bowels of the Cursed City, but if players are truly brave they can attempt to play through an entire Ulfenkarn in Peril campaign…


もう一つ引用します。AoSを舞台にしたゲーム、ウォーハンマークエスト 呪われし街というゲームがあります。昨年、追加シナリオも2本発売されました。私は呪われし街のみ、豊富なミニチュアに引かれて以前購入しました。





